Monday, August 24, 2009

Continued ramblings

Well here I am again after another slog of thinking, reading and collaborating.

Oraginsational theory is beginning to make a bit more sense after I picked up an article today on the Essentials of Appreciative Inquiry by Mohr and Magruder-Watkins. This has beena great article on helping our group to gain some direction into how to approach this assignment - it really emphasises the need to be positive in our attempt - not focus onwhat is not there but what is there aleady that is good and bulid on it in an imaginative creative way that brings it into existence.

We are focussing on Mission Statements as our topic and this is great as I believe Mission Statements really are at the heart of vision and therefore are little powerhouses of change if taken up seriously by the higher management teams.

We are finding it hard to get enough time to collaborate but are looking forward to a skype chat this sunday and then a gathering on the follwoing sunday to put our power point together -hopefully!

I have also been discovering the importance of seeing leaders as developing leadership qualities in others. The Fullan text (2004 pg 224) on "Leading in a Culture of Change" states" ..change leaders transfer ownership of change projects to teams of workers and then support, coach and reward them". This is fascinating ot me as traditionally leaders are seen as having ultimate power and authority where they nearly seem to hunger to hang onto thier poistion. But her we are being encouraged as up and coming leaders to let go of our greed, so to speak, or maybe its our fears of losing power, in order to lead others in a way that will trully enhance the life of the organisation

It is interesting here regarding the writing by Donham (2005, pg19) about the importance of leading from themiddle. Here I see that leadership is largely about positioning oneslf in exactly the right places to draw out and take advantage of all that is on offer. And you will only disover what is on offer by drawing i tout of people. BY leading from themiddle, a leader draws out confidence levels in all to make valuable contributions that the leader him/herself may not have come up with.

Well must go as much reading to do.


  1. Hey Bron, we are focusing in on Mission Statements too! It has taken us a long time to hone our topic though. Good luck :)

  2. Hi Fiona, are you Fiona Jones in the csu site?? I've seen your comments re our assignments - good questions!
    How did your mission statement power point show go?
    I haven't recieved any results yet but it is good to know we all passed.
