Friday, May 8, 2009

Who is information literate? Not me apparently!

I am so realising just how information illiterate I am and have been throughout most of my education!
I have just finished reading the two readings by Kuhlthau on the ISP in our Topic 4 readings and so enjoyed understanding why I avoided all essay subjects in all my learning ! Because I didn't know how to deal with information overload.

All the hot flushes and stress I underwent could have been avoided if I had known how to deal with all the information that needed to be dealt with. Even though it is huggely needful to teach students how to use IL skills today, it was also necessary back when I was at school in the 80's. It is just more so now.

I also enjoyed the holistic elements in her readings - really all that we do needs to have a holistic consideration and it was great to read it in hers.
TYhis brought me to htink on just how creative we area and how undervalued the students thoughts are in many of todays schools. This is not the teachrs's fault- rahter the pressure put on teachers to get through the curriculum!

That leads me to - how can we effectively teach IL skills to students when there is only enough time to get through the curriculum?
Can someone answer that?