Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life of a New Student

Well hi there out here!

This whole year so far has been one of adapting to change - change to routnine and packing in way more than waht I have for a long time.

Engaging in a distance Ed course was a thought for many years and after finally taking the plunge and plowing through the first 9 weeks, it feels like a great achievement to have survivied with relatively good sanity.

So her I am after handing in my first assignment and boy was that a relief to have finished. I had been thinking on that assignment for many weeks and in the last week made several editions and finally posted off what I thought was my beest attempt.
Now I am waiting to hear the results
Its a strange feeling as you don't really know what the markers will think- one boviously puts in their best effort and is very proud of thier final outcome but...... how is it really viewed by those who have thought long and hard about the topic????? That is ... the markers!

Now I am preparing myself for the next slog at assignment number 2! Ooh! This one may hurt a little more than the last as this time we have to answer three questions. Its no wonder they are stretching us - it will be good for our thinking skills - and the challenge is great. My only issue is time! Do I have enough time to do this course justice.
Oh for more time!

Well after reading three of the next papers I am beginning to get some of my htoughts together already. If only I had a week off from life to adequately ponder the information - but will just have to do the best I can

Bye for now
Will post again soon