Monday, August 31, 2009

Collaborating, organisational theory and leadership as a proccess

well this has been a most productive week as our uni group has been in contact using skype and google docs to get our assignment further ahead.

Collaborating with others that you don't really know and havne't met in person has been an interesting adventure and has had some nice parts such as when we finally hear each other speak

Next weekend we are all meeting in person (apart from the one in Darwin of course) so that will even be a nicer surprise.

Our assignment has made us all get more adept at the technology we will all be using in the libraries of the future so that has been another bonus

And our thoughts have been slowly clarifying as to what it is exactly they want us to get out of this assignment.

With regard to leadership as a process I have recently been coming to understand that leadership is not an event but a process (Henri as cited by Henri, 2009,pg8. What i am finding interesting here is that this idea is pulling away from the maybe more traditional view that leaders are those that primalrily engange in negotiating specific occurennces to those that are in the process of a journey where the outcome is not neccessarily the goal - rahter the process is and what may end up happening may be a long shot from what was originally thought may happen. This is a real blessing to me personally as I get a little anxious when I need to control a situation but it appears more apparent to me that leadership is not so much about being in control of the end result as guiding all along the process to discovering answers. What a relief to someone like me who can now relax a little more and enjoy the journey itself without being so caught up in trying to reach a set goal.

Well off to another round of exploring the world of technology as it relates to our topic proposal

Monday, August 24, 2009

Continued ramblings

Well here I am again after another slog of thinking, reading and collaborating.

Oraginsational theory is beginning to make a bit more sense after I picked up an article today on the Essentials of Appreciative Inquiry by Mohr and Magruder-Watkins. This has beena great article on helping our group to gain some direction into how to approach this assignment - it really emphasises the need to be positive in our attempt - not focus onwhat is not there but what is there aleady that is good and bulid on it in an imaginative creative way that brings it into existence.

We are focussing on Mission Statements as our topic and this is great as I believe Mission Statements really are at the heart of vision and therefore are little powerhouses of change if taken up seriously by the higher management teams.

We are finding it hard to get enough time to collaborate but are looking forward to a skype chat this sunday and then a gathering on the follwoing sunday to put our power point together -hopefully!

I have also been discovering the importance of seeing leaders as developing leadership qualities in others. The Fullan text (2004 pg 224) on "Leading in a Culture of Change" states" ..change leaders transfer ownership of change projects to teams of workers and then support, coach and reward them". This is fascinating ot me as traditionally leaders are seen as having ultimate power and authority where they nearly seem to hunger to hang onto thier poistion. But her we are being encouraged as up and coming leaders to let go of our greed, so to speak, or maybe its our fears of losing power, in order to lead others in a way that will trully enhance the life of the organisation

It is interesting here regarding the writing by Donham (2005, pg19) about the importance of leading from themiddle. Here I see that leadership is largely about positioning oneslf in exactly the right places to draw out and take advantage of all that is on offer. And you will only disover what is on offer by drawing i tout of people. BY leading from themiddle, a leader draws out confidence levels in all to make valuable contributions that the leader him/herself may not have come up with.

Well must go as much reading to do.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Continued ramblings

Well this week has begun to test my strengths and weaknesses in the area of collaboration.

I am enjoying it but realise there is much growing to do.

Our subject is the TL as leader and we are to work in a group of 4 to present a power point display on a topic of our choice (within limits) to convince an editorial board to provide funding for our research.

So we have ll begun chatting and expressing our opinions.

The challenge for me is to let go of the assigment as all of ours -not just mine and to be willing to sacrifice some of what I think is important if it doesn't go down with the others.

So far so good but I can sense in myself an element of pride and need to be in control that I'll have to be careful with so we all feel a part of this project.
One thing that keeps sticking in my memory from one of the readings is that a good leader actually is developing leadership qualities in others so much so that at the end of a task, itis actually the others in the group who think they have acheived the work done - that all the good thinking and ideas have been generated by them and not the main leader.

In this assignment we are all equally leaders so this is very important - to make sure everyone feels like thier contirbutions are listened to and validated.

The readings have been very helpful to encourage me to be a better group member and I need to be aware of being positive and letting go of ideas if the others aren't happy with them.

So off I go to work on all this - YAY!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Teacher Librarian as leader - continued readings

Due to a particular event, I have recently had much time on my hands and have thus completed many of the readings for this whole subject- this is somewhat of a relief but am now hoping that I don't lose all the information that has passed through my mind.

So as for Organisational Theory-the first topic they asked us to read about, I can't seem to understand what this is all about - even after reading all the readings! This is a little worrying as I am sure they were trying to teach us something. If one asked me what organisational theory is I would problably say, the way you organise something to get it done. But I didn't read that anywhere in the readings - at least from memory. Anyway, in regard to TL's it would reflect into the way one, as a TL, wishes to see the direction of the library to go and how one goes about making changes.

Issues that would then come up would be to do with the several headings in our readings - quality management, decision making and problem solving, teamwork and collaboration, leadership and innovation and change.
As I write this it is beginning to make a little more sense...

The TL needs to be aware that all these issues need to be addressed if one wishes to do a conscientious and thorough attempt to initiate and progress with change.

Our main text heading "Leadership in a culture of change" really interests me and after reading the text, better understand why this is important to come to terms with - without good and strong leadership that comprehends the process and character of change as it relates to culture- change itself is more likely to be as a result of neccessity rather than making the most of the opportunities presented at any given time. Change is inevitable - when and how it happens largely depends on the leadership involved.

Good leaders are not autocratic or pacemakers - they are rather a combination of the other types mentioned in the readings - democratic, beaurocratic etc...

Passion and vision with humility and emotional intelligence are key characteristics of a great leader for sure.
With these, a leader can use strategic planning to embrace others in their sphere of influence - TL's having a great sphere of influence - to initiate and uphold and support the process of change.