Sunday, September 11, 2011

Subject Headings

Hi everyone.
I have just finished a very difficult assignment on Subject Headings. Difficult because I have never come across this before and I couldn't get my mind around all the concepts. I really felt like I was being thrown in the deep end without a life raft but managed to cope with help from the forums and chatting with some experienced librarians.
So for me, understanding and using subject headings is now a vital part of my role as a TL. I can clearly see how invaluable this subject has been in extending my knowledge and expertise in this very important aspect of running a library.
I can clearly see how SCIS and SCIS OPAC is important to thoroughly understand, even if I will not be the one to do most of the cataloguing. There will come times when library staff will need help and guidance so it is vital that the Teacher Librarian has a very solid grasp of how to use this resource.

I did find the exercises extremely difficult but it was because they were so difficult that I learnt so much.
Oh well, off to the next assignment.

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing. I remember that subject. I just couldn't seem to get it properly so I was really happy when I scraped through with a pass and didn't ever have to see it again.
