Sunday, July 17, 2011

Research Methods

Well, this subject certainly opened my eyes to the world of research.

Firstly it stressed to me the nature of the iterative process in developing a research question.
It also linked the importance of a strong research project to a sound literature review.
"Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you.
(International Standard Version , 2008)
This age old saying is very indicative of the iterative process not only when forming draft research questions but also when choosing appropriate supportive literature with the ideal being one of practical importance.
It is in the persistent asking that the opportunity to receive presents itself, it is in the persistent seeking and searching that new discoveries are made and it is in the persistent knocking that avenues become open roads for exploration.
Asking, searching and knocking not only invoke responses but are the means to uncover truths relating to any given inquiry and are significant aspects of any research question and its links to literature.
Both the draft research question and its connection to the literature, with reference to practical importance, of the work by Sandeman (2011, Appendix1) and Sandy(2011, Appendix 2) would have little or no strength if these three elements of asking, seeking and knocking were not undertaken. And it is indeed within and alongside these that specific strengths as well as areas for improvement are evident, each giving support to verify the research topic as a valid one. The proposed alterations are indeed part and parcel of the expected process of change in order to refine either the direction of the research question or the direction of what is to be looked for in the literature.
Examining how one has asked, sought and knocked give rise to scrutiny, uncovering many interesting elements. Some of these are strengths and others useful for constructive change in order for the research question and its connection to literature to be well grounded and of practical importance.

Asking, searching and knocking not only invoke responses but are the means to uncover truths relating to any given inquiry and are significant aspects of any research question and its links to literature.

However there are also areas for improvement that, while concerning, are not to the extent of rendering the proposed research redundant. While changes may need to be made, it is not to pull down the whole reason for its existence as the main thrust of draft questions should be respected and supported as important at least to the researcher. The proposed alterations are indeed part and parcel of the expected process of change in order to refine either the direction of the research or the direction of what is to be looked for in the literature.

Successful research entails many processes and it is within these processes that a proposal can develop into a well-founded and valuable investigation. The forming of the research question, the quality of the literature review and whether or not the proposal is of practical importance all work together to support and enhance validity and success of the research.
Strengths and areas of improvement are highlighted and examined, revealing the need of ensuring such analytical processes take place in order for a successful undertaking to be established.
Reviewing the Literature and Practical Importance
Quality research involves “searching, reviewing and effectively writing about literature” (Thomas and Silverman, 2005, p6) and is successful in the extent that it involves “systematic identification, location and analysis of documents containing information related to the research question” (Gay, 1992, p38).

It is clear that successful research necessitates a strong research question and sound review of existing literature to ensure what is proposed is going to be of practical importance and successful in its undertakings. Furthermore it clarifies that as one seeks to develop a research question and engage in a literature review, it is very useful to do so against suggestions made by professional researchers in order to cover all bases and to make any adjustments. This will enhance the success in providing a sound research question overall efficacy of what is being proposed and will help to ensure it truly relates to an area of practical importance.

An Indepth look at one research question
As I took an indeth look at my research question, it made me aware of the different paradagims people view the workld and how they evaluate information. I also saw the need to ensure several points are covered such as ethical issues in order to develop a sound project.

As I consider this subject overall, I can see that while I may not be engaged in research questions myself, the students i will come into contact with as a TL will often need help with the sorts of skills I have now learnt. THis has been an invaluable subject for me as a TL as I can now better assist those in need of researching a given area. The skills I have developed are now much broader and stronger.

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