Friday, October 16, 2009

Varying types of leadership

I must say that I haven't been so confronted before with so many types of leadership as presented in the Fullan text.
Not only are there so many types of different types of leaders but in order to be the most effective leader possible you have to be an expert at all types and know when and when not to use each style.
This is a real eye opener for me and difficult too as I am not good at certain styles of leadership as some styles come more naturally to me than others but it seems time now to throw away lack of ability in all styles and begin learning more aboout them all and gaining maturity in when to use each one.
It has surprised me as well that so many types of leaders exist and that they all seem to get in somehow. Why there isn't some cosmic barrier for preventing the less desirables to get in I don't know but that's just the way it is and I feel really sorry for those who are suffering under the hand of such ones.

As I have been reading, it is not just in the Fullan text that I have gain understandings of leadersship types. The writings by Donham (2005, pg 296-3-4), Cheng (2002, pg 56-57) and Beck , J and Yeager,N (1994, pg 184-206)also have revealed to me several leadership styles that have helped me to see just how wide and varied leadership needs to be in order to lead effectively.

I can also see that there is great complexity in leadership such as I have never really considered before. In reading Fullan (2004, pg 55-60) I cam confronted with the term "complexity science" and "complexities of leadership." This has got me thinking on the fact that leadership is in an environment way more complex than I had thought. Indeed I hadn't even given it much thought before but Nnow I can see that not only is leadership itself complex but so is the environment in which leaders function. And they need to become masters of it in order to be as successful as possible.And masters not just of the internal factors but external ones as well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Moral purpose

Boy, is moral purpose an important ingredient in an organisation!!!

To do your job with conviction that one is involved in an endeavour that seeks the overall good of society is very rewarding and indeed leads to stronger work ethic and effort.

It was very encouraging to know that moral purpose is something that good and conscientious leaders are aspiring to uphold!

This is something intrinsic to us all but boy it is great to see how much of a highlight it is being given.
Indeed in the Fullan text, it is one of the 5 core elements of effective leadership. All I can say is thank goodness that we as up and coming leaders are being encouraged on a human level of leadership skills and not just had knowledge of how to go about things.
Moral purose really needs to be embraced by the leadership and indeed, not just embraced but exemplified in every interaction. It also needs to be ensured that it is addressed in the mission statement for that department and that this inclusion is in line with the moral purpose and overall values and goals of the organisation as a whole.
Along with this I have noticed that pwer and its use or abuse by those in leadership is a very important factor in how well an orgaisation runs. It seems increasingly to me that a person of a more altruistic nature is the ideal one to be vested with the honor of holding power and it is a shame that there have been many leaders who are seeking to do things from a selfish point of view.

Different types of leaders

It has been very interesting for me to consider just how varying leaders can be.
I have personally experienced this and how different types of leaders in the same setting can drastically change the overall environment and atmosphere of an institution.

And now I have read in chapter 3 of the Fullan text about several different types of leaders and just how different each one is.
It is quite amazing that all these different sorts of leaders exist and that any one given organisation is at the mercy of the style of leadership allowed to operate.
Boy, leadership can really make a difference!!!!
And boy, we are as employees really at the mercy of whatever leadership we are under.

Whate surprises me is that the less desirable styles of leadership can still obtain positions of power - why can't those in the job of employing leaders be better equipped to understand who they are employing.

What this does for me personally as a possible up and coming leader is to make sure I have a very well rounded leadership style and can adapt my style according to presenting needs.

Leaders in a culture of change

I has been a striking point to me personally that there is a clear distinction between leaders and managers
In the Fullan text on page 2 it clearly states that leadership is needed for problems that do not have easy answers.
This has got me thinking that leaders are not just good managers - they have a unique responsibility to mae sure people are aware of problems and the need to change and also to address them in a way that will bring about the best possible response from employees as possible.
Leaders are managers but also much more. They are not just managers.
On pafge 3 of theu Fullan text it states that lepasership is not mobilising others to solve problems we already know how to solve, but helping them to confront problems that have not yet been addressed successfully.

This has led to a personal relevation that if I am to be a good leader I need to be aware that I am to lead others not just to solve problems they can see and know how to answer but to direct their awareness to see andj understand that there may be problems either currently existing or coming up in the future to whcih there are no solutions yet available and upon which we all much collaboratively act.
I am not just to be a good manager but also a good insightful proactive foreseer of future problems and of problems that yet have no answers.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Collaborating, organisational theory and leadership as a proccess

well this has been a most productive week as our uni group has been in contact using skype and google docs to get our assignment further ahead.

Collaborating with others that you don't really know and havne't met in person has been an interesting adventure and has had some nice parts such as when we finally hear each other speak

Next weekend we are all meeting in person (apart from the one in Darwin of course) so that will even be a nicer surprise.

Our assignment has made us all get more adept at the technology we will all be using in the libraries of the future so that has been another bonus

And our thoughts have been slowly clarifying as to what it is exactly they want us to get out of this assignment.

With regard to leadership as a process I have recently been coming to understand that leadership is not an event but a process (Henri as cited by Henri, 2009,pg8. What i am finding interesting here is that this idea is pulling away from the maybe more traditional view that leaders are those that primalrily engange in negotiating specific occurennces to those that are in the process of a journey where the outcome is not neccessarily the goal - rahter the process is and what may end up happening may be a long shot from what was originally thought may happen. This is a real blessing to me personally as I get a little anxious when I need to control a situation but it appears more apparent to me that leadership is not so much about being in control of the end result as guiding all along the process to discovering answers. What a relief to someone like me who can now relax a little more and enjoy the journey itself without being so caught up in trying to reach a set goal.

Well off to another round of exploring the world of technology as it relates to our topic proposal

Monday, August 24, 2009

Continued ramblings

Well here I am again after another slog of thinking, reading and collaborating.

Oraginsational theory is beginning to make a bit more sense after I picked up an article today on the Essentials of Appreciative Inquiry by Mohr and Magruder-Watkins. This has beena great article on helping our group to gain some direction into how to approach this assignment - it really emphasises the need to be positive in our attempt - not focus onwhat is not there but what is there aleady that is good and bulid on it in an imaginative creative way that brings it into existence.

We are focussing on Mission Statements as our topic and this is great as I believe Mission Statements really are at the heart of vision and therefore are little powerhouses of change if taken up seriously by the higher management teams.

We are finding it hard to get enough time to collaborate but are looking forward to a skype chat this sunday and then a gathering on the follwoing sunday to put our power point together -hopefully!

I have also been discovering the importance of seeing leaders as developing leadership qualities in others. The Fullan text (2004 pg 224) on "Leading in a Culture of Change" states" ..change leaders transfer ownership of change projects to teams of workers and then support, coach and reward them". This is fascinating ot me as traditionally leaders are seen as having ultimate power and authority where they nearly seem to hunger to hang onto thier poistion. But her we are being encouraged as up and coming leaders to let go of our greed, so to speak, or maybe its our fears of losing power, in order to lead others in a way that will trully enhance the life of the organisation

It is interesting here regarding the writing by Donham (2005, pg19) about the importance of leading from themiddle. Here I see that leadership is largely about positioning oneslf in exactly the right places to draw out and take advantage of all that is on offer. And you will only disover what is on offer by drawing i tout of people. BY leading from themiddle, a leader draws out confidence levels in all to make valuable contributions that the leader him/herself may not have come up with.

Well must go as much reading to do.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Continued ramblings

Well this week has begun to test my strengths and weaknesses in the area of collaboration.

I am enjoying it but realise there is much growing to do.

Our subject is the TL as leader and we are to work in a group of 4 to present a power point display on a topic of our choice (within limits) to convince an editorial board to provide funding for our research.

So we have ll begun chatting and expressing our opinions.

The challenge for me is to let go of the assigment as all of ours -not just mine and to be willing to sacrifice some of what I think is important if it doesn't go down with the others.

So far so good but I can sense in myself an element of pride and need to be in control that I'll have to be careful with so we all feel a part of this project.
One thing that keeps sticking in my memory from one of the readings is that a good leader actually is developing leadership qualities in others so much so that at the end of a task, itis actually the others in the group who think they have acheived the work done - that all the good thinking and ideas have been generated by them and not the main leader.

In this assignment we are all equally leaders so this is very important - to make sure everyone feels like thier contirbutions are listened to and validated.

The readings have been very helpful to encourage me to be a better group member and I need to be aware of being positive and letting go of ideas if the others aren't happy with them.

So off I go to work on all this - YAY!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Teacher Librarian as leader - continued readings

Due to a particular event, I have recently had much time on my hands and have thus completed many of the readings for this whole subject- this is somewhat of a relief but am now hoping that I don't lose all the information that has passed through my mind.

So as for Organisational Theory-the first topic they asked us to read about, I can't seem to understand what this is all about - even after reading all the readings! This is a little worrying as I am sure they were trying to teach us something. If one asked me what organisational theory is I would problably say, the way you organise something to get it done. But I didn't read that anywhere in the readings - at least from memory. Anyway, in regard to TL's it would reflect into the way one, as a TL, wishes to see the direction of the library to go and how one goes about making changes.

Issues that would then come up would be to do with the several headings in our readings - quality management, decision making and problem solving, teamwork and collaboration, leadership and innovation and change.
As I write this it is beginning to make a little more sense...

The TL needs to be aware that all these issues need to be addressed if one wishes to do a conscientious and thorough attempt to initiate and progress with change.

Our main text heading "Leadership in a culture of change" really interests me and after reading the text, better understand why this is important to come to terms with - without good and strong leadership that comprehends the process and character of change as it relates to culture- change itself is more likely to be as a result of neccessity rather than making the most of the opportunities presented at any given time. Change is inevitable - when and how it happens largely depends on the leadership involved.

Good leaders are not autocratic or pacemakers - they are rather a combination of the other types mentioned in the readings - democratic, beaurocratic etc...

Passion and vision with humility and emotional intelligence are key characteristics of a great leader for sure.
With these, a leader can use strategic planning to embrace others in their sphere of influence - TL's having a great sphere of influence - to initiate and uphold and support the process of change.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First thoughts on Teacher Librarian as Leader

Well, this is the start of a new subject and we have been instructed to comment on what we already know about TL's and their place in the school organisation.

If I had of been asked this question at the start of the year, before starting this course, I would have said their place is in the library and thier role is to maintain resources!
If you read my previous blog on the Role of the TL, after completing semester 1, I now see that the TL's role involves much much more - instilling vision, resourcing the curriculum, collaborative team work, resource based learning development and an in your face, proactive presence in the school organisation and wider community to enhance an information literate school community.

As specifically to leadership, with which this course is concerned, prior to any suggested readings, the TL for me is to be a visionary, great listener wi a reverberating voice, sending out shockwaves through the school hieracrchy and filtering down the ranks as to best practice.

That the TL is to be considered a leader is a privilege indeed! When I think of leadership I think of servanthood - the best leaders don't see themselves in a position to be served, but rather to serve. They are guides and very good listeners, able to discern what is for the best interest of the organisation/people body they are at the forefront of.

So this will be a very interesting journey, to discover how to become a better leader in today's world.

Oh, and I love the title of our text " Leading in a Culture of Change" - how interesting!

So here I go on my journey of adding to my current understandings and synthesizing it all! As Speedy Gonzales says, "Underlay, Underlay, Yiha! Yiha!"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Critical Synthesis of the Role of the Teacher Librarian

When I originally coined "In the Winds of Change" as my main blog title, due to the endeavour of a career change, I had no idea that this would become so remarkably relevant to my changing views of the role of the Teacher Librarian. From what I have been learning this semester, the direction this profession has been heading in relation to best practise is vastly different to what has traditionally and still largely exists. And this is not only within the profession itself but in the minds of people who will be influenced by a new generation of proactive and up to date professionals seeking to exert and establish their influence and significance in building a highly functioning Information Literate School Community.

There has been several significant moments that have shaped and provoked my thinking in regard to this.

During my earliest readings regarding the history of Australian Libraries (Lundin,1981; Nimon and Hazell, 1990; Watts,1999)) I remember being struck by how challenging it has been not only to establish libraries but to maintain validity. From my continued readings, I began to realise that the TL's ideal role has never been an easy one to validate and is indicative in other parts of the world such as Canada (Haycock,2003). Readings examining this ideal role as being an information specialist who is allowed time to collaborate with and work alongside teaching staff in resource based learning activities to enhance student learning outcomes across the curriculum shocked me (for example Haycock,1991; Henri,2005; Johnson,2002). I had never considered that before, let alone seen it in action in any school I have worked in over the last 20 years. I just didn't see it in any private, state, primary or K-12 setting I have experienced.

As I then began to connect with many current practitioners to discuss such matters, they all confirmed the inconsistency between what I have been learning with what is actually going on in the real world. It struck me that best practise is not easily catered for and has resulted in years of lost potential for schools in this situation. What struck me was lack of funding and the struggle to obtain and maintain it, as far back as the earliest libraires in Australia, coupled with a lack of vision (as expressed in my Scholarly paper, Assignment1,2009) results in a terribe misuse of the TL's role. It became profoundly obvious that all TL's I contacted, even after completing this course or one of similar nature, are now working in a system that severly restricts putting into action the valuable knowledge, skills and commitment they could employ. I say this with direct reference to the Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians (ASLA; ALIA) It amazed me that we can have such a fine document and yet not see it in action, once again highlighting the enormous task ahead of us.

What was begininning to become apparent to me, became more so as I meticulously read forum entries where many participants expressed bewilderment and frustration at complacency and restrictions in their schools regarding the ideal TL role let alone have important documents such as essential Role Statements. It was disheartnening for me see that TL's are a far cry from what was being advocated in our course.

And yet my respect for this role was increasing. Reflecting on the ideal position the TL has at the school I work at, being one of purely Information Specialist, I sensed in myself greater approval that this role existed. No longer did I think that the best use a TL could have was to read books to children, take teacher release or maintain resources. In an early blog, (March 5th, 2009) I wrote that this course has "inspired me to look with more respect on the role the TL can have in the learning setting." Instead a TL's role was becoming for me a very comprehensive and knowledgeable resource of all that pertains to Information Literacy across the curriculum in both Information Specialist and teaching realms.

Coupled with this was my growing sense that TL's currently need to take urgent yet controlled leadership to inject and enforce vision into their school setting as this ideal role, even if set in place, can still be undervalued (as addressed in my Scholarly Paper,Assignment 1,2009). What I sensed and recorded in an early blog (24th Feb,2009)as the need to be proactive, expanded as I read papers dealing with overcoming obstacles (for example Nimon and Hazell,1990;Henri and Asselin,2005). I found myself agreeing with long term TL's such as Alan Trueman stating in his critical reflection blog (3rd June, 2009) "It is very easy to settle for mediocrity in one's performance and to blame extraneous influences for such a state." I now see that TL's are highly educated people with much to offer and they need to educate those around them. They are responsible for making the most of every opportunity to voice and maintain vision so as to implement best practise.

In my blog titled"Who's Information Literate? Not me apparently!"(8th May,2009) I am one fine example of a school teacher who desperately needed to be made aware of the many terms and concepts I have learnt in this course. TL's have a huge task in educating others so they too can at least understand the importance of TL's being used effectively. Helping others to grasp the potential we have in enhancing student outcomes is of paramount importance.

Currently I am growing in understanding that if we are going to be at the forefront of helping to implement Process Models (such as Kuhlthau's, The Big6 or PLUS) then we need to firstly overcome the hurdle of gaining our rightful place in school community's as experts in this field - experts that not only have excellent knowledge but wisdom to implement this as experienced teachers. As I stated in my first assignment(2009), "Where there is no vision, the people perish." I can now clearly see that a major role of the TL is in promotion of vision that school leadership, extended teaching body and wider school community will learn to respect and incorporate as they grasp the potential of this invaluable role that expertly enhances student learning outcomes.

Without a doubt this course has inspired me to help get this profession on its feet- not in theory(as that is certainly in place) but in practise. I would particularly like to pursue how to become a leader implementing vision and best practise even agaisnt all odds.

I have also discovered a particular interest in exploring the TL's role as it relates to Kuhlthau's model, even expanding on her incorporation of the affective domain. Briefly, I believe that for a process model to be trully holistic, it needs to address the whole person - body(physical), soul(mind/will/emotions) and spirit(intuition/beliefs/convictions). For me , Kuhlthau's process model is the only one that directly addresses most of these as she includes the emotions/feelings. But why and where does the arousal of emotions occur? Where does it ring a bell or strike a cord? - in the intuition/beliefs/convictions of the inner self. I have already thought over this deeply and exploring it further as it relates to TL's helping students understanding the learning process is an area I would like to pursue.

What a journey so far! This is trully more exciting and relevant to student outcomes than I ever expected and it is encouraging to be in a field where I sense an explosion of appreciation and respect as school communities become educated as to the most excellent role and use of the Teacher Librarian.

Reference List

* Australian School Library Association and Australian LIbrary and Information Association (2001). Learning for the Future:Developing Information Skills in Schools. Carlton South, Victoria: Curriculum Cooperation.

* Australian School Library Association and Australian Library and Information Association(2004). Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians. Canberra:ASLA

* Alan,T. (3rd June,2009) Critical Reflection. From Retrieved 14th June 2009

* Sandeman,B (5th March,2009) Windy Day

* Sandeman,B (24th Feb, 2009) Hello Again

*Sandeman,B (8th May,2009) Who's Information Literate? Not me apparently!

*Lundin,R(1981), School Library Development in Australia. School Librarianship. Pergamon Press,Sydney,pp 1-21

*Nimon,M and A, Hazell(1990) Promoting Learning. Challenges in Teacher Librarianship. School Library and Information Services. Adelaide,Auslib Press

*Haycock,K(2003)The Crisis in Canada's School Libraries. The Case for Reform and Re-Investment .TOronto. Canada Association of Canadien Publishers

* Henri,J. and Asselin(2005). Teacher Librarians:Mirror Images of Teachers and Pioneering Voyages. The Information Literate School Community. Wagga Wagga,Centre for Information Services,CSU,pp135-145

*Sandeman,B (2009). Teacher Librarianship. Scholarly Paper 1 for Master of Education in Teacher Librarianship.

*Watts,J(1999) The Teacher Librarian Past. A Literature Review pp29-42

* Haycock (1991) Resource Basee Learning. A Shift in the Roles of Teacher,Learner

*Henri,J(2005)The Information Literate School Community. Issues of School Leadership. Wagga Wagga. Centrre for Information Services.

*Johnson,D(2002) The Seven Most Critical Challenges that Face our Profession. Teacher Librarian-May/June

*Herring,J. James Herrings PLUS Model. From Retrieved 9th June 2009

*Herring,J,Tarter,A and Naylor,S (2002) An Evaluation of the use of the PLUS model to develop pupil's information skills in a secondary school. School Libraries Australia. Vol 8,No1 pp1024

*Kuhlthau,C(1995) The Process of Learning from Information. School Libraries Worldwide, Volume 1,No1 pp1-12

*Kuhlthau, C (2004) Seeking Meaning. A Process Approach to Library and Information Services. Libraries Unlimited.Westport.Canada.pp13-27

*The Big6 Model .From Retrieved 9th June,2009

The Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians

WOW! What a document!

I think that this is an excellent resource ofr anyone in the educational field - let alone teacher librarians!

It is so well thought out and covers all the key areas pertaining to an effective library that suitably caters to the needs of an ever changing Information Literate School Community.

The brief and concise nature of this document is well intended and is great how you can then follow it up in more depth if one wishes in the prescribed Learning for the Future text.

I really believe that two of the most important indicators in this document are that TL's get in touch with the school's curriculum needs that one finds oneself in and pursues leadership skills. How can one cater for the needs of any given school if one does not know what the student outcomes are and it is essential that one works toward fine leadership skill s so that the ideal use of the TL is advocated and implemented from the top down.

Well must go but these are just a few more of my reflections.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Standars of professional excellence for teacher librarians

Hi all!

Well I am just about to complete an assignment on the Standards of Professional excellence for teacher librarians
Can I just start by saying how blessed we are to have this alrready in place

Apparently the first qualified TL's occured in the 1960's and since then , obviously a group of individuals over time have worked hard to present this document

It is very well thought out and covers issues relating to the two professional fields we have both feet in - teaching and librarianship.

And it has sought to stay closely linked with other educational professions and thier standards of excellence.

Not only does it provide a great resource to judge our own practice by but it also provides a framework by which we can explore what areas we neeed professional development in

Well, on with the assignment.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Information ProcessModels

Well I'm well into my last assignment and its largely to do with Process Models for me at the moment.

What a challenge to get one's head around all the readings and then to process the information to make comparisons and contrasts!

I mostly enjoyed the ISP by Kuhlthau as it reflected a more holistic approach but the others are good as well if you wish to get a good grounding in the cognitive processes one goes through in becoming a successful TL in affecting student outcomes.

I have also chosen the BIg6 model and PLUS by Herring. These two seem to have a very stuctured layout with precise definitions of each step that one goes through in processing information.

It constantly amazes me at just how little I know about this whole TL business. Here I was thinking I was doing a course that involved traditional views of what a TL is and whacko! here I am being challenged to think about how I cna actively affect studnet outcome s across the curriculum - what a challenge!

Well back to the drawing board to think some more

Friday, May 8, 2009

Who is information literate? Not me apparently!

I am so realising just how information illiterate I am and have been throughout most of my education!
I have just finished reading the two readings by Kuhlthau on the ISP in our Topic 4 readings and so enjoyed understanding why I avoided all essay subjects in all my learning ! Because I didn't know how to deal with information overload.

All the hot flushes and stress I underwent could have been avoided if I had known how to deal with all the information that needed to be dealt with. Even though it is huggely needful to teach students how to use IL skills today, it was also necessary back when I was at school in the 80's. It is just more so now.

I also enjoyed the holistic elements in her readings - really all that we do needs to have a holistic consideration and it was great to read it in hers.
TYhis brought me to htink on just how creative we area and how undervalued the students thoughts are in many of todays schools. This is not the teachrs's fault- rahter the pressure put on teachers to get through the curriculum!

That leads me to - how can we effectively teach IL skills to students when there is only enough time to get through the curriculum?
Can someone answer that?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life of a New Student

Well hi there out here!

This whole year so far has been one of adapting to change - change to routnine and packing in way more than waht I have for a long time.

Engaging in a distance Ed course was a thought for many years and after finally taking the plunge and plowing through the first 9 weeks, it feels like a great achievement to have survivied with relatively good sanity.

So her I am after handing in my first assignment and boy was that a relief to have finished. I had been thinking on that assignment for many weeks and in the last week made several editions and finally posted off what I thought was my beest attempt.
Now I am waiting to hear the results
Its a strange feeling as you don't really know what the markers will think- one boviously puts in their best effort and is very proud of thier final outcome but...... how is it really viewed by those who have thought long and hard about the topic????? That is ... the markers!

Now I am preparing myself for the next slog at assignment number 2! Ooh! This one may hurt a little more than the last as this time we have to answer three questions. Its no wonder they are stretching us - it will be good for our thinking skills - and the challenge is great. My only issue is time! Do I have enough time to do this course justice.
Oh for more time!

Well after reading three of the next papers I am beginning to get some of my htoughts together already. If only I had a week off from life to adequately ponder the information - but will just have to do the best I can

Bye for now
Will post again soon

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Windy day

Yep, that's what it feels like - windy and turbulent

Lots of thoughts and feelings realting to Teacher librarianship!!

It is actually really hard to keep up with all the readings as well as writing on a blog, reading the forums and getting your head arouhnd what exactly is EASTS and Endnote and getting a handle on how to use it all

My readings have been inspiring and not only helping me understand the teacher librairian issues but also helping me in my own teaching career of languages and visual arts and how I am going about it - am I working with the TL in my school to help her facilitate information literacy?

My early years have back in the early 70's had a mobile bus that came once a fortnight to allow each class about 30 minutes to try and find a book to read - it was all very much about getting in and out. No teacher librarian there and certainly the bus driver's job was not one that would do much more than take note of what book you borrowed.

So my readings have been good to reflect on where I was at the time some of the developments were taking place and has inspred me to look with more respect on the role a TL actually can have in the learning setting

I have also begun to tackle the first assessment task and have found it quite thought provoking to say the least - its been very good to stretch those old brain cells once again- and to put them to good use

So yes, TL's have a vital role to play in developping an upto date learning centre but there are many hindrances to them achieving this to the desired goal.

So must push forward to tackle lack of awarenss about just how much TL's can do it given the right amount of time and interest

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello again

Well I couldn't find it anywhere - was supposed to be being saved but it wasn't in my drafts - what a pain! - it took time and was a good one

Here goes again:-
I think the main reason I am writing is because we have been told this is what we must do - I am sure I will understand why more as time goes by

I have just been reading through a lot of the first weeks reading and now feel like I really am doing a Master of Education! The work involved to do it well is substantial and looks well thought out and aims at a rewarding end
The difficulty for me is probably what many of you are facing - not the lack of desire but the lack of time -trying to juggle the needs of two young children, teaching, running a home business and being a wife and trying to have some lesiure time is frustrating to coordinate and achieve - but it is worth the try to see how it goes

I have enjoyed getting into this topic of teacher librarianship and feel rather challenged that I am studying an area that is still developing in its role and value in society- not so much that is hasn't been well thought out before now but in that it has a long way to go in being fully realised and embraced by society at large.

For me, I am looking forward to seeing how I can be proactive in this important role within the school and wider community.

Well I must buzz off now but if anyone is actually reading htis and gets to the end can you let me know - I would be interested - you can email me at

Continued ramblings

Well that was a waste of time - I actually just wrote a whole blog and then I pressed what I thought was a safe button and it all disappeared!!!!!!!!!
I am going to try and find it so stay tuned

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Beginnings

Well, here I am again

Just thought I'd introduce myself - I have just started on a new journey within my larger life of pursuing a career in teacher librarianship and have thus begun a daunting Master of Education in this field.

It has been many a year since I last formally studied so it is all a little overwhelming.

Yesterday I had a search all around the website for csu and began to understand a little of university life via the internet - all of which made me feel like I if someone asked me "are you keeping your head above water?" , I would respond " Well, I don't know about that but I have my snorkel on!"

I now have a small amount of knowledge on forums, how to access my course and how to use this blog

And there's also a growing understanding of how to access my course information

As to the assigments - well I had look and now feel like I am really in for some concerted thinking! Probably very good to stimulate my brain cells and see what's still in there after all these years!

So many things I didn't know - like the residential school - but hey , hopefully there will be more on like that.

Well time to go but looking forward to finding out about using this more and grwoning in my use of all these wild and wonderful blog tools

Bye for now

Well, this is all very new to me as you can all see.
I am not even sure where this will end up once written

Yes, yes I am a-blogging along not knowing where this is all going to end up or what it will look like

But make sure you stayed tuned as I am hoping this will be a most rewarding blog to read as time goes on.

And a big hello to all you out there in blogging world - I have already visited many of your blogs and have enjoyed them very much

Well bye for now and enjoy your day!